2019 Summer’s biggest release Maharshi is all set to hit the marquee in 5 more days. The film’s run time was locked at 2 hour 55 minutes. The film’s censor has been cleared with U/A. It’s learnt that Mahesh’s role Rishi stands out in the film. The journey of Rishi from his student days to his successful business life in America to back-to roots to his village has been showcased well in the movie.
The three shades of his character are gonna be a treat to his fans. Particularly, Mahesh’s role as a student is very entertaining and charming. The way he pulled off the student role at this age is said to be one of the highlights of Maharshi. Mahesh’s terrific screen presence is said to be feast for his fans. His performance as farmer and taking on the plight of farmers is said to be moving, inspiring. Vamshi Paidipalli said to have made a heart-touching saga when it comes to farmers plight.
Interesting buzz is another press meet episode in Maharshi like in Bharat Ane Nenu. It is expected to stand out in the film.
In addition to the above, the father-son sentiment between Mahesh and Prakash Raj said to have come out well. And the friendship bond between Rishi (Mahesh) and Ravi (Allari Naresh) is going to be another highlight in the film.
It is heard that first half of Maharshi is engaging and entertaining whereas the second-half is going to be emotional and heart-touching. Inside buzz is Devi Sri Prasad has done good job in terms of background score. One has to wait till 9th May to see how audiences gonna receive Maharshi.