Mega Power Star Ram Charan had a candid talk with the media on the occasion of his next film, Govindhudu Andari Vaadele releasing on Wednesday. He spoke at length about several aspects of the film and its making. He answered one interesting question on competition with Mahesh Babu. Ram Charan clarified that there is only professional rivalry between both of them.
“We were planning for Dussehra release for a long time. However our team and the team of Aagadu had an agreement about the release date. We promised each other to maintain a good gap of two weeks between both the films so one film do not eat in to the collections of the other”, Charan said. It was mentioned that there is an eighth film sentiment for star heroes in TFI according to which their eighth films always fail. For that Charan confidently said he will break the jinx.
According to the reports of Content wise Govindhudu Andari Vaadele has ‘Below Average to Average’ stuff. But Charan has the track record pulling of blinder hits from some very average films like Racha and Nayak, we will have to see what he does with this film. The holiday season will also compliment Charan’s following since there are 5 holidays in the first week of its release including Gandhi Jayanthi, Dussehra, Weekend and Bakrid.
Kajal Agarwal is pairing up with Ram Charan in this movie. This is their fourth combination film. Earlier the three movies, Magadheera, Nayak and Yevadu are blockbusters and fans hope the sentiment will holds good once again. Bandla Ganesh is producing the movie under his Parameswara Arts Banner. Yuvan Shankar Raja will be composing the music for Charan.