Few actor-director combinations are most awaited and a movie of Mahesh Babu in Rajamouli direction is undoubtedly one of them. Though there were enough rumors about a movie in their combination, Mahesh and Rajamouli too spoke in brief in different context but never confirmed its happening. Now, Mahesh threw some light on this old yet interesting topic.
Unlike previous contexts, Mahesh Babu gave some clarity this time saying that a film in their combination is happening, but not until next year. Mahesh Babu was busy promoting his Spyder and spoke to electronic media last night.
Mahesh reportedly hinted the movie launch somewhere in the second half of 2018. This news is sure to give a reason fo Mahesh fans to celebrate and all focus stays on it once it gets launched.
Mahesh’s ‘Bharath Ane Nenu’ will be coming to theaters in early 2018 and his movie with Vamsi Paidipally will take off from then. So chances are high that Mahesh Babu Rajamouli movie to start shooting from last quarter of 2018 and will be releasing in 2019.
Meanwhile, Rajamouli may plan to finish off a movie with another hero, probably a film that tones down the hype garnered by Baahubali.