Super Star Mahesh Babu is going to provide two wonderful birthday gift to his fans. According to reports, his latest flick One-Nenokkadine second teaser is going to be launched on 9th August, which happens to be the actor’s birthday. The first teaser released on Krishna’s birthday created sensations and now makers of ‘1’ are readying another teaser to please Mahesh fans. The run time of this video is said to be 40 seconds.
Mumbai model Kriti Sanon is romancing Mahesh in the action thriller directed by Sukumar. Mahesh Babu will be seen in never before stylish and macho look. While 14 Reels entertainment is producing the movie Devi Sri Prasad is scoring the music. The film marks debut of Mahesh Babu’s son Gautham as child artist. Gautam Krishna will be seen in childhood Mahesh’s character.
As a double bonus to the fans Mahesh Babu’s MARD song will also be released on his birthday. Ghattamaneni fans its celebration time and also let’s see the new records which it’s going to create in You Tube.