After the likes of Ram Charan and Allu Arjun proving their Box Office stamina and set cash registers ringing in Malyalam, it’s turn of Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu to focus on Malayalam market. Although Mahesh’s previous films too were dubbed in Malayalam and released in Mallu land, the latest is that ‘Team’ Mahesh are keen on publicity, promotions of Mahesh’s films.
As per the buzz, Mahesh Babu’s scientific thriller One Nenokkadine is being dubbed into Malayalam and will be hitting the screens on Feb 6. Already the promotions of the film are on high.
Though Malayalam market size is very small and less than a Crore for dubbed films, heroes seem to have taken it as ‘prestige’ to release their films over there and have fan base in Malayalam.
It’s good that Telugu heroes are expanding their market. Let’s wait and see how the experimental film One fares in Kerala.