It became huge celebration among fans when their favourite heroes wear a lungi or some traditional Telugu panche kattu. When Mahesh walked in a lungi for Srimanthudu, Ram Charan danced in a lungi for Bruce Lee and Nani appeared on MCA first look poster in a lungi, fans created huge hype out of them.
Maybe with our posh heroes forgetting the Telugu culture and getups forever, fans are celebrating even their lungi-costume appearance. Anyway, the latest update is that Mahesh Babu will be seen in a panche kattu avatar in Bharat Anu Nenu and that news went viral in no time.
Some say that Mahesh is emulating the look of late Chief Minister YS Rajasekhar Reddy for a couple of scenes. However, this doesn’t sound true as we could already notice Mahesh in formal outfits including shirt and pant from some leaked stills of this Koratala Siva directorial.
An insider revealed that Mahesh is featuring in this Panche Kattu for a song of BAN, but not any scene. Then there is no big deal about it, as he wore similar outfits many times for songs from Murari to Srimanthudu.