Both Megastar Chiranjeevi and Superstar Mahesh Babu are the undisputed kings of Tollywood. While Chiru enjoyed the No. 1 status for a couple of decades, Mahesh Babu is on his way to repeat that trend – if not decades, atleast until someone who can competently replace him.
Though Chiru holds the upper hand over Mahesh as far the No. 1 position in Tollywood is concerned, but the brand value of both these stars proves otherwise. Mahesh overshadowed Chiru by a fair margin, when it comes to brand value and endorsements.
There were times when the experts raised doubts over Mahesh’s calibre, after he was made the Brand Ambassador of the leading and prestigious brand ‘Thums Up’ in Andhra Pradesh replacing Chiranjeevi. When the Megastar voluntarity decided not to endorse any brands keeping his political aspirations in mind, Thums Up has gone to Mahesh. Notably, the sales of the brand upped by 3 percent when Chiru endorsed it.
However, Mahesh overcame all these odds to become one of the leading brand ambassadors in the country. Usually, the customer gets influenced by the market position of the company, the brand value, the brand ambassador and its affordability. Mahesh has done his job as brand ambassador to perfection. That’s the main reason behind international companies choosing him as their brand ambassador all over the country. Even if Chiru continued to endorse brands, he mightn’t have achieved on par with Mahesh. Great going Superstar!!