Superstar Mahesh Babu has finally admitted his mistake openly in front of the media. The actor, who attended the audio launch of Aadu Magadu Ra Bujji which has his brother-in-law Sudhir Babu in the lead, took the blame on himself for not doing “anything” for Sudhir and his career.
Finally, Mahesh spoke about his upcoming film One which has been in making for a while. Confirming the news, Mahesh averred, “One will release on January 10. I wish audience’s support stays with me forever.”
Earlier Sudhir claimed that Mahesh has been a great support for him and so his fans that helped him a lot to settle in industry. However, Mahesh claims the otherwise. On whole, the event looked like a family function and a treat for Mahesh’s fans as they could see total Ghattamaneni family on the dais.
The event also saw superstar Krishna, Vijaya Nirmala, Naresh (Sr actor).