For the first time ever, Superstar Mahesh Babu has revealed the actual cute of look of daughter to this world. In this latest photo shared by Mahesh on twitter, sparkling kid Sitara Ghattamaneni looks as radiant as she is. Also Superstar’s charming smile, his son Gowtham’s sharp looks minced with cute smiles and wife Namrata’s simple yet attractive Miss India look is amazing. From a long time, many fans are waiting to see how cute Sitara actually is and this picture is worth millions for them.
Right now, Mahesh is busy planning to celebrate the first birthday of Sitara that falls on tomorrow. She is born on July 20th, 2012. It is heard that the entire cast and crew of ‘One-Nenokkadine’ are making arrangements to wish Sitara lots of love, and Mahesh’s family lots of luck.