The moment Superstar Mahesh’s latest ad featuring his wife Namrata, and kids Gowtham and Sitara is out, while fans rejoiced with it, there is a criticism that the actor has brought his family into commercial space. But advertising professionals say we have to look it from the opposite side.
Even though Mahesh charged a whopping price of more than 5 crores for all of his family to feature in this real estate commercial, the makers and client are fully happy that they have shot something they haven’t done before. And advertising experts say, Mahesh, joined the leagues of Sachin Tendulkar and Shahrukh Khan with this ad, though he hasn’t done this for a national brand.
“Usually no brand comes forward to rope in the whole of a family until the family members have certain connect with the audiences. Earlier there are ads featuring Sachin and his family including daughter Sara and son Arjun. Later we have seen Shahrukh Khan’s family indulging in ads similarly. And from the south, we have only Mahesh Babu doing it with family. So, that’s an achievement Telugu folks should be proud of” says an advertising expert.
On the downside, the ad industry-walas say that Mahesh should have picked an international brand or some national wide popular brand to do the same rather some local real estate company.