‘Ala Vaikunthapuramlo’ is running successfully at the box-office with packed theatres. The combination of Trivikram and Allu Arjun scored a hattrick with this film and Trivikram handed over the entire credit to music composer Thaman during the success celebrations. Afterwards, Thaman spoke on stage and his speech is becoming a hot topic on social media.
Thaman told on stage that they showed real collections and won which was appreciated by Trivikram and Allu Aravind who were seated. While few netizens are claiming that Thaman’s “real collections” comments were aimed at ‘Sarileru Neekevvaru’, Mahesh fans are asking Thaman to remember who made him a star music director.
Mahesh fans are saying that it was ‘Dookudu’ which took Thaman to next level and are telling him to remember that fact on social media. A lot of trolls are pouring down on Thaman from Mahesh fans and in the meanwhile, he is expected to compose music for Mahesh’s next film.