A new trend has started for sure in Telugu industry like the way Mahesh Babu said at “Bharat Anu Nenu” pre-release event. Various star heroes are coming for other big stars to make sure that films get cross-promoted in their fan circles.
From Chiranjeevi coming forward for Gautamiputra Satakarni opening to Jr NTR turning up as a guest at Bharat Bahiranga Sabha are quite a few examples while Pawan Kalan is busy promoting young hero Nitin for a long time. Here comes that special person who is going to grace Allu Arjun’s “Naa Peru Surya” pre-release event.
For the film that is hitting cinemas on May 4th, actually, the pre-release event will be happening on April 29th in Hyderabad. If reports are to be believed, none other than ‘Baahubali’ Prabhas will be turning up as Chief Guest for the event. We know that Prabhas and Bunny’s friendship dates back to long back as they two know each other well even before their debut as actors. And then, Prabhas’ very own UV Creations, run by his cousin and friend, Vamsi and Pramod, is actually making films by associating with Geetha Arts from some time. Owing to all these stuff, it looks like Prabhas is now turning up at this event.
A big hero gracing the event of some small hero is a good gesture, but a big star turning up at another big star’s event is a rare feat. Seems like Tollywood is treading in the unexplored territory. Good luck folks.