Superstar Mahesh Babu’s brother-in-law Jayadev Galla is TDP’s MP from Guntur. Recently, Mahesh’s uncle Adiseshagiri Rao quit YSRCP and joined the TDP. This led to several rumours that Mahesh will be canvassing for the TDP in the upcoming general elections in Andhra Pradesh.
While Mahesh is silent as usual, his wife Namrata has clarified the Superstar’s political affiliations in a latest interview with a national English daily. “My husband respects what Naidu has done for the state, but the progress of both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana is a matter of great pride for him. Just because he is seen with Naidu, it doesn’t make him a political figure,” said Namrata, putting an end to all the speculations.
Further clarifying the rumours about Mahesh campaigning for the TDP, Namrata said, “Mahesh is not campaigning for any political party. Nor does he intend to contest any elections or pursue any kind of political ambitions. He barely says a few words to me, where will he make big speeches on public platforms?. He is the most apolitical person I know.”
Calling her husband a thorough professional and a family man, Namrata said that Mahesh has no time for politics or anything apart from shooting for his films. “And any free time he has is family time. He doesn’t even step out to meet friends,” revealed Namrata.