These days, Superstar Mahesh is known for his friendship with two directors, Meher Ramesh and Vamsi Paidipally. While Vamsi is the one who gave him Maharshi, we hear that Meher is known to Mahesh from a long time and the director takes care of many of Mahesh’s businesses.
Reportedly, Meher Ramesh is said to be going through a financial mess with almost a crore of debt, when Mahesh offered him the distribution rights of Sarileru Neekevvaru. The director of films like Kantri and Sakthi has taken the rights of Guntur district. Official figures say that he took rights for 7.2 crores and now made 8.2 crores there, acquiring almost a crore profit, which could clear off his debts.
Unofficial talk is that Meher didn’t spend a single penny on buying rights but Mahesh gave him for free. By taking 3 crores from the returns, he will be returning the balance to G Mahesh Babu Entertainment they say. Though exact numbers are not known, talk is that Meher will now clear off his debts and even has the capital to start a new business.
Anyway, insiders stated that Meher’s micro-management of things when it comes to theatre allocation for Sarileru Neekevvaru in Guntur is said to have impressed Mahesh. On that note, he is happy to save his friend.