For the first time, Superstar Mahesh Babu joined forces with Vamshi Paidipally and the duo is currently working on the actor’s landmark silver jubilee film ‘Maharshi’. We were the first to reveal that Maharshi is a father and son story.
And here’s an interesting inside info we have exclusively gathered. Before the project was announced formally, Vamshi Paidipally told Mahesh that he will make the film completely massy with the usual tropes like an item song and fights. But Mahesh, who quite liked Maharshi’s story, told Vamshi, “It’s my 25th film. I want to give some message through this film. Let’s tell this story in an honest way. No need of any masala.” Finally, Vamshi had agreed with Mahesh.
While this is an extremely praiseworthy gesture by Mahesh, this is not the first time that he did this. Soon after he watched and appreciated Pellichoopulu and Arjun Reddy, Mahesh evinced interest in working with Tharun Bhascker and Sandeep Reddy Vanga and even told them not to worry about his star image but to come up with a genuine script without unnecessary mass elements.