Superstar Mahesh has started the promotions of Sarileru Neekevvaru already as he has been meeting fans in the last three days for special interactive and photo-op sessions. Talk is that he met almost 10,000 fans in these three days and will be starting giving interviews now.
It is already in the know that Mahesh is actually heading for a three month holiday after he wraps the promotions and release of Sarileru Neekevvaru. As he is working without major breaks for the last 3-4 films, he’s said to have thought to take a huge break. And during the break, he is going to take care of another major thing.
While director Vamsi Paidipally has prepared a Gangster story already for Mahesh, it is heard that the complete story is not yet wrapped. For the same reason, they both will be heading to Switzerland for story sittings, and work out all the nuances of the story. Seems like Mahesh will be involving in story sittings and other aspects of filmmaking from now onwards.