Superstar Mahesh Babu, who is currently busy shooting for Koratala Siva’s “Bharat Ane Nenu”, #Mahesh24, is setting up an enviable line up of directors for his next films. Vamsi Paidipally and Trivikram are already finalized for Mahesh25 & Mahesh26 respectively. Now, the superstar has to choose between mass director Boyapati Sreenu and creative director Sukumar for his 27th film.
Reports emerged recently that Mahesh would work with Boyapati for an action entertainer to be produced by 14 Reels, the production house which did 3 back to back films with Mahesh – Dookudu, Nenokkadine and Aagadu. Both Mahesh and 14 Reels were impressed with the story line narrated by Boyapati, and the project seemed well on course.
Then enters Sukumar, with a novel story line, which stole the heart of Mahesh. Sources have divulged that Mahesh is inclined to work with Sukumar than Boyapati as the story narrated by the former impressed him more. 14 Reels makers however are inclined towards Boyapati. They had earlier worked with him for Balayya’s “Legend”, and have immense confidence in him.
Sources further revealed that 14 Reels makers have informed Mahesh about their apprehensions of materializing Mahesh-Sukumar-14 Reels combo which had earlier resulted in a huge disaster, “Nenokkadine”. Mahesh understood their concern, but he is unwilling to let go Sukumar’s story. The superstar will have to make a tough call indeed.