On the eve of Superstar Krishna’s 76th Birthday, Title Logo of Mahesh Babu’s upcoming flick under the direction of Anil Ravipudi has been unveiled. ‘Sarileru Neekevvaru’ is the title finalised for this biggie. Mahesh Babu, Anil Sunkara and Dil Raju have been jointly producing this movie. Makers confirmed Sankranthi 2020 Release.
In the Title Poster, Soldier Cap placed over a Rifle gives a feeling that #Mahesh26 could have an Army Backdrop.Superstar Krishna announced the Title in the Title Announcement video. Makers declared Mahesh Babu enters his golden era beginning with ‘Sarileru Neekevvaru’ after completion of Silver Jubilee.
Rashmika Mandanna is playing the female lead in ‘Sarileru Neekevvaru’. Senior Actresses Vijayashanti and Ramya Krishna will be essaying crucial roles in this movie. Jagapathi Babu does a pivotal character. Bandla Ganesh is making a comeback into films with #Mahesh26. Devi Sri Prasad composes Music. Regular Shoot begins from June 2019.