Earlier it was rumoured that Prince Mahesh’s upcoming film ‘Brahmotsavam’ would be made with the backdrop of Vijayawada city. However, nothing of that sort has been happened till date as the major part of the movie was shot in Hyderabad and Ooty.
However, cinematographer Rathnavelu made a hulchul in the city of Vijayawada recently. He has reportedly shot a few scenes at Kanakadurga temple and prakasham barrage. Neither Mahesh nor the director Srikanth Addala was seen in the pics released in social media. It remains to be seen whether Mahesh takes part in the shoot of the movie in Vijayawada or not.
Samantha, Kajal and Pranitha have paired up with Mahesh in this film. The movie was produced by Potluri Vara Prasad on PVP Cinema in association with MB Entertainment. The movie set for release on April 29.