Senior actor Naresh is quite active on Twitter with his statements, comments and observations regarding everything under the sun. Once again Naresh came up with provoking tweets and opines that India needs clean leaders with vision and commitment for better future.
According to him, Pawan Kalyan fits the bill perfectly Here are his tweets – “There is some information that P.K Will activate JANA SENA after gabbarsingh 2. Hope that happens. Its the need of the hour.Thr is vaccum in A.P aftr the paraylisis of hand & fan short circuiting. People r luking fr a strong regnl partyJ.S & P.K can fil th gap. Lots of leaders like tractors a R lying idle.
Thy need land 2 plough. Jana sena can provide platfrom. Bt choosing the ritw tractors is imp. Regional parties & national parties both r important. But more important r clean leaders with a vision and commitment.
P.K can fit the bill.” Not just that, he had something for Mahesh Babu fans too.After watching his tweets Naresh cousin and actor Mahesh Babu fans started blaming the former for his support to Pawan Kalyan.
He replied all of them saying “I applaud mahesh fans fr thr mature thinking. As a political obserever wen I takd abt p.ks role in politics thr wz no out burst excpt a few.” One doesn’t know the reason why Naresh suddenly is reminded of Pawan Kalyan and talking about rejuvenating his party.