Actress Kriti Sanon, who had made her cinematic debut with Superstar Mahesh Babu’s ‘1-Nenokkadine’, opened up about the ‘casting couch’ in film industry, of which many actresses have been divulging startling details lately.Speaking at an event in Mumbai on Saturday, Kriti confessed about the existence of ‘casting couch’ and declared that she never had to face it.
“I think that casting couch exists everywhere, not just in film industry. Fortunately, I have not faced it, I was signed by an agency and thankfully nothing of that sort happened to me,” she revealed.
Sharing her experience of being an outsider in industry, Kriti reportedly said, “I am an engineer, so it was a huge shift for me. I was a little lost, and at the beginning, it seemed like a dream which was too big. I fortunately made it”.