Mahesh and his wife, Namrata have been welcoming to lead actresses from Mumbai, mainly Namrata haa been making friends, with them.Seems like that worked in their favour of them, when it comes to being accused as the followers of patriarchy and see women as “objects of desire”.
Athidi heroine, Amritha Rao talked about her experience with TFI and why she did not continue in the South, even though she debuted besides such a big star.Amritha Rao said, “I got three films after Athidi released in a month. But I did not want to continue as the roles offered to me were inconsequential and I did not how women were reduced to ‘objects’ of desire and nothing more!”
She said that she felt Mahesh and Namrata as friends and they welcomed her, the most. But others seemed to her, not so much.Radhika Apte and many Hindi heroines have accused of TFI encouraging patriarchy. May be our filmmakers need to change or are these heroines trying to gain publicity?