Superstar Mahesh fans have celebrated his birthday to the core the other day, but by the evening they are taken down by this ‘memory loss’ news. So, what is this memory loss and how did it affected our hero?
There are reports everywhere that Mahesh’s latest movie ‘One-Nenokkadine’ is a rip off Hollywood’s The Bourne series, or much precisely ‘The Bourne Identity’. If this is true, then Mahesh Babu will be seen in a role where he suffers with memory loss. Actually the hero is in search of his true identity and he comes to know that he lost his memory after a bullet fire damages his spine. Few reports in the media indicate that director Sukumar took this flick as a base and added some other romantic angle to it. But all these conclusions might have come out after people watched the latest teaser of ‘One’. Otherwise, there is no confirmation from film’s unit or hero’s associates that Sukumar’s movie is a rip off ‘The Bourne Identity’.
Fans are worried that such experimental may not click with Telugu audiences, but the success of movies like ‘Ghajini’ proved them wrong. Anyway, for now the story of Mahesh’s ‘One Nenokkadine’ is still a mystery.