After getting a phenomenal actor like Mohanlal to play his babai, Young Tiger NTR has now got a former heroine to play his mother in his next film Janatha Garage. Devayani, who is well known to Telugu audiences as Pawan Kalyan’s heroine in Suswagatham and Mahesh Babu’s mother in Nani, is all set to make her Tollywood comeback with Janatha Garage.
In the film, Devayani will be playing Mohanlal’s wife’s role and apparently, she plays a crucial role with substance in the film. Devayani’s last appearance on Tollywood silver screen was Mahesh’s Nani.
Even though the film released almost 11 years ago, Devayani’s role is still etched in the memory of Tollywood fans thanks to the super hit song, Pedave Palikina Maatallone. Devayani got married in 2001 and bid goodbye to films for a few years, before reappearing on Tamil TV circuit followed by a few films in Tamil and Malayalam.