The Superstar of Tollywood, Mahesh Babu, seems to be acting much matured and live in the reality after two flops that greeted him last year bringing huge losses to the producers who invested crores on him. Superstar Krishna revealed the fact that Mahesh is not only acting in the movie but also looking into the production work.
Krishna said ” Last year, Mahesh’s films 1-Nenokkadine and Aagadu have touched nearly 70 crores budget. As the films flopped, producers suffered like anything. That’s why he wants to wrap Srimanthudu between 40-50 crores. In that process he has chopped down his remuneration too.“
So, keeping these consequences in mind he is all set to wind the project in just 40 crores. However, for a Superstar like Mahesh who takes a whooping remuneration has also got down clipping the amount which proves his prudent gesture and his thought of everyone’s well-being. Well done Mahesh!