After scoring a disaster with ‘Aagadu’, superstar Mahesh Babu is now busy with the shaping up of his new movie under the direction of Koratala Siva. From the time it has hit the floors, speculations have been rife on the title of this movie. Names such as ‘Parakrama’ ‘Magadu’ came into focus. But the final title seems to be ‘Sreemanthudu’.
While that is almost confirmed, sources now say there is an interesting angle to the story. Well, according to the inside spies, it is heard that the story finds its roots in the life of Galla Jaidev, brother-in-law of Mahesh. He is known for his rise as an entrepreneur to a business tycoon to a Parliamentarian now.
On the other hand, Mahesh is known to be a big admirer of Galla Jaidev and he is the only one to be followed by Mahesh on Twitter. If this news of ‘Sreemanthudu’ is indeed true, it is going to be an interesting one for the audience because it suits the image of Mahesh and you might also know the reason behind Mahesh admiring Jaidev so much.