BJP Rajya Sabha MP TG Venkatesh has raked up a new row by suggesting to make Amaravati as the second capital of the country. Well, this remark from Venkatesh is completely unexpected and we have to see will there be any takers for it.
In details, Venkatesh said, “If AP CM Jagan seriously wants to shift the capital to Vizag, then he should make sure that injustice should not be met to Amaravati farmers.” Reiterating Dr. BR Ambedkar’s words of having a second capital in south India, TG added that Jagan should talk with PM Modi and make Amaravati as the second capital of the country.
The people and farmers of Krishna and Guntur districts are distressed and to restore the faith in them, a respectable decision should be taken on Amaravati.
On the ‘Three Capitals’ row, the BJP leader said, “There is no point of having secretariat in Vizag as Rayalaseema people can’t afford to go all the way to UttarAndhra.”
“Jagan has succeeded with village secretariat concept, like so a mini secretariat should also be set up in Kurnool apart from the High Court and high court bench should be established in Vizag. The High Court in Amaravati should be converted into bench,” said Venkatesh.
Recalling their demands during AP Bifurcation in 2014, he stated, we demanded then government to set up winter and summer Assembly sessions in Kurnool but none gave importance to our demands.
Last year post the general elections, there was a wide speculation that the BJP government in New Delhi is considering to make Hyderabad as second capital of the country. Now TG wants Amaravati in place of Hyderabad as the second capital. But will this be seriously accepted by farmers. We don’t think so.