Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has stirred up a row by mocking PM Modi’s ‘Make In India’ concept. At an election campaign in Jharkhand, Rahul Gandhi said, “Narendra Modi said ‘Make In India.’ Now it has turned into ‘Rape In India.’ Every day one incident is getting reported in BJP’s Uttar Pradesh.”
Adding more, Rahul said, “The concept of ‘Beti Bachao… Beti Padao’ is the same. To whom we should protect? The girl or the BJP MLA who raped a girl and then tried to kill her.”
This comments of RaGa created a huge storm in Lok Sabha. Minister Smriti Irani lashed out at Rahul Gandhi and questioned what he is trying to convey by such statements. “This is first time in history that a leader is giving a call that Indian women should be raped. Is this Rahul Gandhi’s message to the people of the country?” asked Smriti. Also the women BJP leaders demanded an unconditional apology from Rahul.
However the Congress leader refused to say sorry and added that he would also take out an old video of PM Modi saying Delhi as the rape capital of India. “Just to divert the attention from protests in North East over the Citizen Amendment Bill (CAB), BJP is making a scene of his comments which is absolutely pointless,” said Rahul.