Renowned Malayali actress Nazriya Nazim will be debuting into Telugu film industry with Nani’s upcoming film Ante Sundaraniki. This will be her maiden straight Telugu film.
The proven actress will be pairing with Nani in this Vivek Athreya directorial and this exciting combination has added more buzz to the film.
Nazriya has joined the sets of Ante Sundaraniki today. She will be shooting for her portion in this ongoing schedule.
“Today I start shooting for my first Telugu film. First is always special. Ante Sundariniki will be special,” Nazriya stated.
At a time when film shootings are being postponed due to surge in Covid cases, the makers of Ante Sundaraniki have taken the project onto the floors.
Mythri Movie Makers are funding the project. Nani will soon be joining the shoot.
Team #AnteSundaraniki welcomes you #NazriyaFahadh & yesss this movie will be special ❤️
Natural ⭐ @nameisnani #VivekAthreya #VivekSagar #NikethBommi #NANI28
— Mythri Movie Makers (@MythriOfficial) April 19, 2021