A 24-year-old private employee has been arresting for abusing Telangana CM KCR and Bellampalli MLA. The accused was identified as Salluri Samil Kumar, from Kasipet mandal and he was arrested under Sections 505(2) and 153(2) of Indian Penal Code for circulating video clips making objectionable comments.
In the video made by Samil Kumar that went viral on WhatsApp, he raised many objections on Rythu Bandhu scheme and Kaleshwaram project. “KCR introduced Rythu Bandhu scheme only to benefit some of the elite community. No farmer is receiving this crop investment support,” said Samil Kumar and about Bellampalli MLA, he said the MLA sanctioned subsidized tractors only to his followers, and not to farmers under the farm mechanization scheme. Like this in many schemes only TRS leaders and their party workers are getting the benefits while common man and farmers are not getting anything from the government.
Kasipet Sub-Inspector Bhaskar Rao detained Samil Kumar from his residence and the police have issued a strong warning people using social media for the abusive purpose.