In a bizarre incident, a Mumbai man was caught by his father-in-law when he wore the same dress that he had worn for his first wedding, for his second wedding.
According to reports, the bride’s father was going through the wedding pictures on phone when he saw a picture of his son-in-law with a different bride. Outraged, the father-in-law reached the groom’s house to confront him. Then only he discovered that the groom had already married six months ago. Strangely, he was wearing the same dress for both his weddings, and that’s how he got caught.
Reports suggest that as the groom’s parents hadn’t approved of his first wedding, he kept it a secret from everyone. He remained silent when his parents arranged his second marriage. Unfortunately, the father-in-law, who spent lavishly on his daughter’s wedding, learned about the groom’s first marriage only after his daughter’s sending off was done.
A police complaint has been registered, and the hunt for the accused groom is on as he is absconding.