Mohanlal’s latest offering in Telugu, Manamantha is gearing up for release on August 5th. The movie completed its shoot last month and is busy concluding the post production works. The movie is being planned for release in Telugu, Malayalam (Vismayam) and Tamil (Namadhu) languages. The makers are yet to clear if that is going to be a simultaneous release.
Director Chandrasekhar Yeleti is known for making experimental films engagingly. He previously directed several box office hits such as Aithe, Anukokunda Oka Roju, Sahasam etc. Likewise, his new film Manamanth is also made with a unique subject. Yeleti described it is an anthology film- “family entertainer which involves four stories”.
Manamantha also marks yesteryear actress Gautami’s reappearance after almost two decades. She was last seen in 1997 in Chilakkottudu. Viswant Duddumpudi and Anisha Ambrose will be seen in crucial roles. Mahesh Shankar composed audio album of the film which will be launched soon.