Creative filmmaker Chandrasekhar Yeleti is back with another innovative suspense thriller ‘Manamantha’ and this movie features veteran actors Mohanlal and Gautami together. Chandrasekar knows how to narrate off beat stories in the most gripping way. The movie also features Viswanth, Anisha Ambrose, Raina Rao, Gollapudi Maruthi Rao, Vennela Kishore and few others in significant roles. The plot is about four individuals and they have no relation in common. But all incidents force them to meet each of them towards the climax. The movie marks the return of legendary actor Mohanlal to Tollywood after a long gap and it also brings reunion of Gautami and Mohanlal after 18 years.
Mohanlal is a versatile actor and we can’t judge his acting as he already proved his mettle ‘n’ number of times. However this movie will be another feather on his crown. He has done role of a Supermarket Assistant manager and he has an eye on Manager post. Gautami is a middle class house wife and she fits the bill perfectly. Her role is similar to ‘Papanasam’ movie and with same make up and stuff she has struck balance between the role as well as the characterization. The third character who is a covent school girl is also perfect. The casting is perfect. But the screenspace is limited for these senior actors.A middle class man( Mohanlal) who struggles for promotion, A school girl who helps poor , An under Graduate prodigy IT student who deviates for love ( Viswant) , a middle class self respect single mom ( Gautami) stories carry the movie with slow pace initially. However we also have a special guest role apart from these actors. Taraka Ratna has done a special role in the movie.
Techinical Performances
The movie has no songs, but Mahesh Shankar has given the perfect gripping music through background score. G.V.Chandra Sekhar’s editing could have been better. A crisp running time of 120 minutes or less would be perfect. But here we have 160+ minutes. However the cuts are neat and slick. Rahul Shrivatsav has kept the cinematography simple and there are no special frames and angles. Lightings are kept in low tone and that helps the movie to get a natural feel.
Plus Points:
Minus Points:
Neither an off beat nor a commercial movie
Final Say
This is not the usual commercial movie which we get to watch in recent times. Critics will lap up the movie. However with low commercial values, it is hard to sustain in multiplexes. This is an offbeat movie with typical brilliance of Chandrasekar Yeleti. Climax is the best part and he proves how he can make the audience glued to their seats. First half doesn’t have any songs and second half has gripping screenplay.