Multifaceted actress Manchu Lakshmi took some time after the success of her last movie Dongata that was produced under her home banner Manchu Entertainment. The starlet has finally signed a new movie to be directed by Karthikeya Gopalakrishna of Sadhyam and Vasool Raja fame.
Billed to be a thriller comedy, the film will go on floors from June. Thrillers are one of the best selling subjects at box office lately. So, following the trend, Lakshmi is also joining the thriller club with the yet to be titled flick that will be produced jointly by Maunika Chandrasekhar and Uma Lakshmi.
Manchu Lakshmi will be seen in a powerful role as a young judge who fights for justice in the movie that will have pooja ceremony on 20th of this month. Entire movie will be shot in Hyderabad in single schedule. The makers have said to announce details of other cast and crew members on the launching day.
This will be another challenging role for Manchu Lakshmi who thrilled audience by portraying different characters in her previous films.