Manchu Monoj’s last outing, Current Theega did not perform as much as the actor would have liked. Manoj took a brief break after that film for his marriage and is now currently shooting for his next under the direction of Dasaradh of Santosham and Mr.Perfect.
Sources within the movie unit tells us that the makers have locked ‘Shourya’ as the film title. Sources also add that Manoj will be shown in a very stylish avatar in the movie. Regina Cassandra will be seen as the female lead opposite Manoj in this film.
M. Sivakumar, who earlier produced Nikhil’s Surya vs Surya is the producer for this flick. Dasaradh’s last outing, Greekuveerudu with King Nagarjuna failed miserably at the box office. He wants to erase the bad memories and stage a comeback with this Shourya.