Actor Vishnu Manchu is spotted dancing with his two little angels Ariaana and Viviana. A video of Vishnu teaching moves to his doting daughters is widely circulated on social media platforms and going by the video Vishnu was at his best and his daughters have outwitted him in the moves. Ariaana and Viviana have stolen the show from their actor-father.
Vishnu, who is a complete family man, often spends quality time with his family and especially with his two little darlings. Even when he is busy with shoots, he makes sure his daughters visit him on the sets.
Earlier Vishnu used to be a strict dad. Now he seems to be losing that tag and becoming more friendly these days as they’re growing up, divulged a source close to the family. Ariaana and Viviana are having great time in the Kids section of Newyork Academy (NYA).