Our readers may be aware that Tanikella Bharani planned ‘Bhakta Kannappa’ with Sunil as the lead actor couple of years ago. The project never went on sets. And now the movie is being brought back with Manchu Vishnu to play the lead role.
Earlier on one occasion, Tanikella Bharani said the film is not a devotional film like the Yesteryear Krishnam Raju starer and is in fact a Tribal Guy’s Love Story with lots of comedy. It will be set in a Rural back ground.
The movie is titled ‘Kannappa Katha’ and will be produced by Vishnu Manchu’s 24 Frames Factory. The press release say 24 Frames Factory is teaming up with a Hollywood Production house for this movie. Currently the casting work is going on and the announcement of cast and crew will come out very soon.