Former Miss World and the most beautiful actress, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, is all set to reunite with the ace director Mani Ratnam for his next project called Ponniyan Selvan. It is a period drama set in the 10th century. The movie is said to be an iconic flick coming from the legendary filmmaker and the story is all about the life of Chola Emperor Arulmozhi Varman.
Thr role of Aishwarya is said to be a very challenging one. Post her wedding with Abhishek Bachchan in 2005, this gorgeous lady has been doing selective and unique movies. Now, she chose to play a negative role as Nandini in Ponniyan Selvan. The character Nandini is extremely beautiful yet she is manipulative and condescending, trapping people for self-satisfaction.
The movie will also have Vikram, Simbu, Jayam Ravi in the main roles. Actress Amala Paul will play a pivotal role. Aishwarya, as a manipulative wife of the emperor(Periya Pazhuvettaraiyar), will certainly lead the story with her exceptional acting prowess. Mani Ratnam is planning to take this multi-starrer film on floors by the end of this year.