For the upcoming film ‘Potugaadu’ it looks like producer Lagadapti Sridhar is leaving no stone unturned in terms of publicity. Right a teaser video of the song ‘Bujji Pilla.. Thella Pilla’ from the movie, sung by Tamil hero Simbu, is going viral everywhere. Apart from the catchy tune, the double meaning laced lyrics of the song are a big hit. The song actually showcases the love of hero Manoj for foreign girls and looks like it will be shot in a disco or in a foreign location with hot models. Some of the lyrics apparently read ‘oh my naughty.. manam veldam ooty.. come natoti.. potugadiki no poti.. after love.. hot stove..’. This is just a sample, and the whole song will be crazier than we are expecting.
Looks like hero Manoj is showing his own creativity in the songs composed by music director Achu. Anyway, if the film clicks, it will be happy both for audiences and for producer Lagadapati.