Long ago Manchu Manoj and producer Ramesh Puppala had an agreement to work together. With Bellamkonda Suresh episode on ‘Uu Kodathara Ulikki Padathara’ dragging both sides into prestige matters, the project never took off because of Ramesh Puppala’s Yellow Flowers banner having close association with Bellamkonda Suresh.
After a long hiatus, Manchu Manoj is here fulfilling a past promise for Ramesh Puppala. A new movie is announced from both of them with an official press note released. To be directed by debutant Sagar Pasala, reports say it will be a mass action commercial entertainer with Manoj to be seen in a rugged look.
Ramesh Puppala suffered some sort of financial crisis after the failure of ‘Paisa’ with Krishna Vamsy. Now that Manoj is also doing good business with ‘Shourya’ gathering positive reports and ‘Attack’ ready to attack in theaters, Ramesh came forward to produce the movie with Manoj as hero. Let us wait for more details.