Just hours before second phase elections in Odisha, the Maoists have created a panic in Kandhamal district. On Wednesday a woman election officer was killed and two vehicles that were transporting election equipment, were set on fire by Maoists. They also appealed to the people to boycott the elections.
The deceased officer is identified as Sanjukta Digal and she was shot dead when she got down from the vehicle to check a suspicious object lying on the road while passing through a jungle near Balandapada village. Four other people were left alone by the Maoists.
The police have also suspected an explosion but are not able to get more details of it. With this incident, central forces have stepped into action and a command centre has been set up and tight security measures are taken.
Kandhamal district has Phulbani assembly segment which falls under Kandhamal Lok Sabha seat. The polling here is schedule from 7 AM to 4 PM being Naxals prone areas.