The poster of Suriya’s forthcoming flick Mass is the latest to hit the headlines for alleged plagiarism. Apparently, Suriya’s “Masss” poster is resembling with the poster of Hollywood film The Bourne Ultimatum. Suriya’s raw look in “Masss” is coinciding with Matta Damon’s Bourne Ultimatum kicking up a row online especially on social platforms. Ever since Mass poster has been unveiled on Diwali day, few “movie buffs” started posting posters of Boune Ultimatum and Mass side-by-side inviting flak from the Suriya’s fans.
However, director Venkat Prabhu quashed the rumours. “A section of the audience claims the first poster of Masss is copied from a popular Hollywood film. Well, to clarify all the doubters and those who claim it as a copy, here we go. This is a style called mugshot, which has been used by many Hollywood movies,” Prabhu posted on his Facebook page. “So, we suggest the fans of Tamil cinema to take a deep look before colouring anything as a copy,” he added. Prabhu also posted the posters of some Hollywood films such as The Grey and Salt that have used the mugshot. Masss is produced by Suriya’s cousin Gnanavel Raja under Studio Green banner.