CM Kiran Kumar Reddy came out openly in support of a united state by asserting that the central leadership should first address the concerns and problems of the people before moving forward to divide the state.
Furthermore he said that the water distribution could turn out a huger problem than it actually appears. With already strain with neighboring states the waters of Krishna and Godavari can never be shared equally if the state is divided and not united. He reminded that nowhere in the country has the water been distributed equally between two states so far.
Kiran said that it is important that we respect the thoughts and concerns of people than vote for the party’s agenda. He said about 6.5 lakh employees have come to the roads asking for justice on the state division and reminded that they are not taking even their salaries for the last two months. He stated that while parties have agenda the elected government whether it is at centre or state should remember they work in sync with people’s agenda or interests rather than against them and said that to him state’s interest comes first than political parties alliances. He said there will be relocation in lakh in case of division in both the T and SA regions. “Therefore the central government should take cognizance of the agitation in the region before moving forward to bifurcate the state”, he reiterated.
Finally, Kiran Kumara Reddy said “No match is over till last ball is bowled” keeping Andhra Pradesh thought alive.