Legendary actress Savitri’s biopic Mahanati in Nag Ashwin direction, produced by Swapna Cinema, Vyjayanthi Movies is presently shooting the epic Maya Bazar portions at a specially erected set in RFC, Hyderabad. Magnum opus Maya Bazar is a special project in Savitri’s illustrative career wherein she played beautiful Sasirekha with elan.
‘Till date we find many inspirations of Maya Bazar in Indian cinema. Finally, we came to the epic moment of shooting Maya Bazar scenes for Mahanati. Our art director Shivam and art consultant senior Thota Tharani built an overwhelmingly impressive Maya Bazar set in RFC replicating the old one.
Telugu cinema all time greatest director Singeetam Srinivas Rao who worked as Assistant Director for Maya Bazar film graced our shooting spot. He bubbled with energy, sat with us and walked around appreciating the team. He was in complete with the set, delivered an inspirational speech.
Sensational Krish was also present on sets playing the character of director KV Reddy garu while Tharun Bhascker reprised Singeetam’s younger character. When Mohan Babu as Ghatotkacha SV Ranga Rao walked into the set, it was a goose bump moment for all of us.
Keerthy Suresh is putting up a flawless performance exactly resembling Savitri. Her flashes of smile and facial features will be a celebration for Telugu audience. We can’t wait for audience to watch Mahanati on big screen,’ said a source from production.