Nani, the undisputed king of US box office among mid-range heroes, has once again shown his dominance here. The actor’s latest film, ‘MCA’ has collected around a mammoth $260K from US premieres. The astonishing part of this feat is that the film had a Wednesday release.
MCA is Nani’s career highest opener in US, which stamped a record 60 percent growth from his previous highest, “Nenu Local”, which had collected $160K from premieres. Incidentally, both MCA and Nenu Local have been bankrolled by Dil Raju.
The premieres’ collection of MCA places it in the All Time Top 20 highest premiere grossers in the US. Furthermore, MCA has taken better opening than Ram Charan’s highest grosser in US, ‘Dhruva’, an indication of what a box office behemoth Nani is turning out to be, especially in US.