Mallu girl Catherine Tresa made her debut in Tollywood with Varun Sandesh starrer ‘Chammak Challo’. She got noticed with Puri Jagannath’s ‘Iddarammayilatho’ and Krishna Vamsi’s ‘Paisa’. Her upcoming film ‘Erra Bus’ with Manchu Vishnu is ready for release on November 14 2014. Erra Bus team planned an interview session of Catherine Tresa with Tollywood media.
She turned up 1 hour late for the interview and told the media people to wait for another 30 minutes as the actress wanted to change her costume. Media people said that there aren’t any cameras and told her that she can start the interview. However, Catherine insisted that she needs 30-40 minutes time. Frustrated with this, media people boycotted the interview session and left the venue. Legendary director Dasari Narayana Rao is directing ‘Erra Bus’ and Chakri is the music director.