Apparently the trailer of latest Telugu movie ‘Dikkulu Choodaku Ramayya’ turned heads for its fresh and contemporary content. It happens to be a romantic comedy directed by a new comer, who has near 20 years experience films. Shocking isn’t it? That’s called fate.
Trikoti happens to be a senior of director Rajamouli when our star-director is working as an assistant of director Kranthi Kumar long back. At that time, Trikoti was supposed to direct Tamil superstar Vijay in a big movie but the movie got halted midway during per-postproduction. Later he tried his luck, and started new projects 5 times and ended up with no-starts and no-rolling. ‘If Rajamouli is not there, then I wouldn’t enjoy a stature today.
He gave me employment, life and a valuable producer now’, said Trikoti, recalling that Rajamouli has taken him as an associate from his first flick onwards. ‘Trikoti is my right hand and helped me a lot. He is my senior and quite passionate for movies. From last 20 years he is relentlessly putting efforts to become a director, and I wish he would be star director’, said Rajamouli. All this was revealed during the audio launch of the film ‘Dikkulu Choodaku Ramayya’ the other day.