Senior politician Amar Singh, who used to be a friend of Bachchan family, has surprised everyone by revealing that Bollywood mega Star Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan lived separately and that there are issues between Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Jaya.
Reportedly, during an interview given to clear the allegations that he caused the split in Samajwadi Party (Mukhesh and Akhilesh Yadav in UP), Amar Singh didn’t stick to the point and dragged the Bachchans and even Ambanis in the discussion.
‘I am being blamed for every possible rift in India. When the Ambanis split, I was blamed for causing it. People have made similar allegations about me and the Bachchan family. In fact, even before I met them, Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan were living in separate bungalows,’ Amar Sigh reportedly quoted.
This came as a huge shocker as Big B and Jaya couple is said to one of the highly celebrated in Bollywood. Last year, he alleged that Big B had asked him not to take Jaya in his party, and this statement had also created quite a storm then.
Singh has also revealed that he was not responsible for the issues between Jaya and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. Keeping his involvement aside, Singh made it official that there is a rift between the Bachchan ladies.
We need to how Bachchan family responds to this mudslinging act of Amar Singh.