Gautamiputra Satakarni is the only Rs 50 crore film of Nandamuri Balakrishna. It had simultaneous release with Megastar Chiranjeevi’s ‘Khaidi No 150.’ But Megastar’s comeback film collected Rs 100 crore share as it had many advantages.
One of it is Chiranjeevi and Megapowerstar Ram Charan dancing together. Fans have waited for this movie and they thoroughly enjoyed the Mega dad and son shaking their legs. Just for this episode, Mega fans have watched ‘Khaidi No 150’ multiple times and it eventually resulted in having the edge over NBK’s landmark film.
This feat might be repeated again. Ram Charan’s upcoming ‘Vinaya Vidheya Rama’ is the final stages of shoot and director Boyapati Srinu is planning to rope in Megastar Chiranjeevi for a cameo, that too in a song.
Both ‘NTR’ biopic and ‘Vinaya Vidheya Rama’ are releasing for Sankranthi season but it’s the former film is having good buzz being a prestigious one. Nonetheless, the makers of ‘VVR’ too making an effort to pose as a threat to NBK film.