With just two weeks left for Megastar Chiranjeevi’s birthday, fans are getting ready to celebrate it in a grand manner. Fans enjoying their hero’s birthday is not a new phenomenon but sources claim that they are planning to use this birthday as a repair to the damage caused by ‘Acharya’. This big-budget film directed by Koratala Siva ended up as a nightmare for many buyers and even Megastar’s image took a beating among the current generation teenagers who never witnessed his glory days.
There are a few sections of anti-fans who are showing the hit result of ‘RRR’ and ‘Bimbisara’ thereby making fun of Megastar’s ‘Acharya’. This led to a huge social media war among fans of both sections. We all know the amount of respect NTR has for Chiranjeevi and Kalyan Ram even mentioned Mega family movies like ‘Jagadekeveerudu Athiloka Sundari’ and ‘Magadheera’ as examples of blockbusters in the socio-fantasy genre.
Appreciating the success of ‘Bimbisara’, Megastar himself made a special tweet that explains the healthy atmosphere between the heroes in Tollywood. Keeping this aside, it is time for Megastar to give a grand comeback. The two remake projects ‘Godfather’ and ‘Bholaa Shankar’ are making the fans worried. ‘Waltair Veerayya’ is the only straight movie in Megastar’s hands right now and it has Ravi Teja playing a key role.
According to reports, the units of all these films are getting ready to give special treats to fans. They are readying teasers, posters and other updates which shows everyone that Megastar’s craze is evergreen. Megastar recently did a special photoshoot too. With all these updates, Mega fans will be able to forget the damage caused by ‘Acharya’ but all these upcoming movies should have strong content too in order to become hits at the box office.